
Make Money From Your Blog

Blog Advertising - Get Paid to Blog

Smorty is the most effective tool to increase search engine rankings by blog advertising.
The service is a communication link between an advertisers website and thousands of blogs.
Advertisers can create a campaign and have bloggers write unique review articles about services and link back to the website using specific keywords. It won't be long before blog advertising sends advertisers rankings skyrocketing.
Smorty makes blog advertising easy!
Bloggers can make money from their blog by writing their opinion about the advertisers services.

You can earn as much as you like. Your earnings are directly related to the number of valid opinions you post. Each post will bring you a minimum of US$6 and the Pagerank of your blog along with a high Smorty smart score determines whether you receive higher paid ad campaigns, bringing you up to even $100 per post.

It's just one click away. Click here to start.

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